
2° Investing Initiative (2°ii), France

The 2° Investing Initiative [2°ii - pronounced "Two Degrees Investing Initiative"] is a multi-stakeholder think tank working to align the financial sector with 2°C climate goals. Our research and engagement activities seek to:

  • Align investment processes of financial institutions with 2°C climate scenarios;
  • Develop the metrics and tools to measure the climate performance of financial institutions;
  • Mobilize regulatory and policy incentives to shift capital to energy transition financing.

The association was founded in 2012 in Paris, and is now based in Paris and New-York, with offices in London and Berlin. Our work is global, both in terms of geography and engaging key actors. We bring together financial institutions, issuers, policy makers, research institutes, experts, and NGOs to achieve our mission.

  • Dr. Hugues Chenet

    Scientific Director, Co-Founder, 2° Investing Initiative

    The financial sector is expected to deliver a strong contribution on the road to “well below +2°C”. Nevertheless, the finance industry is just discovering this issue, and the connection between climate goals, investment allocation and financial regulation still appears to be weak. The GREEN-WIN project seeks to clarify the role of financial tools and regulations in fighting climate change, and to identify how those can be mobilized efficiently. 

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Centre de Recherche, d'Etudes et de Documentation (CRED-ESA), Lebanon (Associated partner of Green-Win project)

The Centre de Recherche, d'Etudes et de Documentation (CRED) is the Research Centre of the Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA); a Business School training the future business leaders and executives of Lebanon and the Middle East. CRED's mission is to understand and explain the opportunities for Lebanese and regional businesses to facilitate their adaptation to the changes of the contemporary world. It is in this context that the CRED examines sustainable development, entrepreneurship and other issues affecting the evolution of contemporary cities.

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Deltares, Netherlands

Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure with areas of expertise in flood risk and adaptive planning. Throughout the world, Deltares works on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. The primary task of Deltares is bringing together science and application: translating scientific knowledge into innovative solutions needed in sustainable (clean and safe) development of deltas. Managing these densely populated and vulnerable areas is complex, which is why Deltares works closely with governments, businesses, other research institutes and universities at home and abroad. One of the ongoing projects is adaptation of Deltaic area’s and infrastructure to climate change. Deltares supports the Dutch Government in its decisions to adapt the water management and flood defences in the Dutch Delta in a changing climate, the Dutch Delta Programme. Deltares believes in openness and transparency as is evident from the free availability of their software, models and online courses related to water and soil.

  • Mark de Bel

    Expert Advisor Economy, Deltares

    Traditional solutions are no longer adequate in facing challenges from climate change in coastal areas. There is a large need for innovative solutions and advocacy towards inclusive solutions for coastal flood risk management. Within the GREEN-WIN consortium Deltares works towards developing these solutions in recognition of stakeholder preferences and through the latest technological insights and a philosophy of “open source works”.

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E3-Modelling, Greece

E3-Modelling (E3M) is a knowledge-based company created as a spin-off of modelling and economic research performed over many years in E3MLab. E3-Modelling is specialized in the development of complex models and carries out impact assessment studies focusing in the fields of economy, energy and the environment as well as markets, for 36 countries in Europe, G-20, MENA countries, the Russian Federation and the emerging economies globally. E3M provides consultancy services based on the use of complex large-scale applied mathematical models ranging from the GEM-E3, a computable general equilibrium  model, the European energy system model PRIMES, the PRIMES-TREMOVE Transport model and the global stochastic energy model PROMETHEUS, to sector-specific models on energy efficiency in buildings, industrial sector and the renewables.

  • Dr. Leonidas Paroussos

    Managing Director, E3-Modelling (E3M)

    The assessment of green growth strategies requires the use of complex models representing, among others, in detail the environment, the economy and the energy system.  E3-Modelling introduces major innovations into the GEM-E3 computable general equilibrium model required to discover green growth strategies regarding technological diffusion and financial market constraints.

  • Dr. Kostas Fragkiadakis

    Senior researcher, E3-Modelling (E3M)

    There is a need to develop tools to account for financial market constraints, technological innovation and diffusion of low-carbon technologies in economic models. At E3-Modelling we will explore the green economy transition through the assessment of the dynamical properties and the macro-economic impacts of innovation and diffusion of green technologies.

  • Dr. Stella Tsani

    Senior researcher, E3-Modelling (E3M)

    The transition to a green economy can take alternative paths. At E3-Modelling we aim at exploring plausible and comprehensive descriptions of future developments. We assess scenarios of different levels of collective action, of the ambition of climate change mitigation policies and of various types of actors leading green growth policies.

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Environmental Change Institute, UK

The University of Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute, part of the School of Geography and the Environment, pioneers a distinctive programme spanning from interdisciplinary scientific research toward understanding environmental change and its impacts to sustainable solutions for decision-makers responding to the convergent and interacting combination of systemic challenges posed by social-environmental change. The ECI has more than 60 researchers and 60 graduate students from some 40 countries, forming expert teams in: biodiversity and climate adaptation; climate impacts and adaptation; ecosystem dynamics and services; energy demand management; food and water security; and sustainable infrastructure systems. The ECI leads and engages in large national and international consortia with research and more than 350 stakeholder partners. In addition, they train international graduate students from the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and engineering in strategic environmental leadership, management and decision-making through our unique interdisciplinary post-graduate MSc, MPhil, and DPhil programmes.

  • Dr. Yuge Ma

    Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

    As an interdisciplinary social scientist, my research focuses on global low-carbon development. My PhD from the School of Geography and the Environment at Oxford investigated the institutional change of China and India’s energy efficiency regime from a comparative perspective. To further pursue my passion on global climate change and sustainable development, I joined the GREEN-WIN Project to explore how global cities transform through win-win strategies and sustainable business models. 

  • Dr. Diana Mangalagiu

    Interdisciplinary scientist, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

    I am an interdisciplinary scientist with a dual background in both natural and social sciences. My research focuses on climate policy, sustainability and social responsibility in corporate and public policy settings, which I address through modeling, social experimentation and foresight. In GREEN-WIN, I explore urban transformations from an integrated and systemic perspective and how specific transformations relate to the global sustainability agenda.

  • Dr. Thomas F. Thornton

    Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

    I serve as Director of the Environmental Change & Management Programme, Associate Professor & Senior Research Fellow at the Environmental Change Institute.  An environmental social scientist, my research focuses human social-ecological systems, sustainability and wellbeing, and adaptation, particularly in changing coastal environments. I am excited about GREEN-WIN’s focus on discovering opportunities for adaptation in cities facing climate change impacts and other stressors. 

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European Centre for Living Technology at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy

UNIVE has an outstanding international reputation for excellence in teaching and research. Advanced research is developed in 8 departments and 20 interdisciplinary centers among which is the European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT, ECLT is dedicated to the study and creation of a new science associated with technologies which exhibit life-like characteristics, such as self-organization, adaptability, capacity to evolve and react to environmental stimuli, etc. The research, currently focused in the fields of bio-nano-technology, sustainability, innovation and ICT, is developed in collaboration with scientists belonging to the 15 European Universities and international Research Centres which are members of ECLT.  The Centre hosts several types of activities, including seminars, medium- and long-term individual research visits, workshops with 10-40 people attending, conferences with attendance of 40-100 people, and public lectures. The Centre is also an international meeting point for the development both of basic research and the creation of new technologies for the productive sector and the transfer of these technologies to various sectors such as pharmaceutics, medicine and the environment.

  • Dr. Sander van der Leeuw

    Foundation Professor of Anthropology and Sustainability, Arizona State University

    All too often, sustainability is seen as an environmental challenge, whereas in reality it is a societal one. Societies define their environments, their challenges and the solutions for them. My approach to this is to view socio-environmental systems as complex adaptive systems, bringing the full range of knowledge domains to bear on them to create an understanding that can help us look towards our future to identify plausible and desirable ways forward.

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Global Climate Forum (GCF), Germany

The Global Climate Forum is a non-profit association of research institutes, think tanks, companies, NGOs and individual researchers that together initiate and perform innovative research on climate change and related global challenges. Our aim thereby is not necessarily to reach a consensus, but to develop a variety of well-considered opinions. The forum thus cultivates a pluralistic exchange in which different points of view are freely expressed and debated, on a basis of mutual respect. By doing so, GCF has develop world-leading expertise in a number of topics including green growth, instruments and technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, integrated risk and adaptation governance, and coastal climate impacts and adaptation. Currently GCF staff coordinate two major European-funded projects: i) Centre of Excellence for Global Systems Science (CoeGSS), which  is a European consortium of supercomputing centres, scientific institutions, businesses and NGOs that helps industry, policy makers and the society, faced with global challenges, take effective action by providing them with high resolution data and simulations; ii) GREEN-WIN, which draws together universities, think tanks, UN agencies, NGOs and finance institutes from around the world, in order to identify, develop and critically assess win-win strategies, green business models and green growth pathways that bring short-term economic benefits, while also supporting mitigation and adaptation goals within the broader sustainable development agenda.

  • Dr. Jochen Hinkel

    Senior Researcher, Global Climate Forum (GCF)

    For me, it is hard to imagine that significant progress towards solving the climate problem can be made anytime soon without providing economic rationales for reducing emissions that work today for individual countries, regions or entrepreneurs. This is what GREEN-WIN tries to achieve with its research on green-growth and green business models.

  • Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Bisaro

    Researcher, Global Climate Forum (GCF)

    I believe that finding workable solutions to the long-term climate problem requires a firm grounding in the incentives we all – politicians, entrepreneurs, citizens – face in the near term.  I am enthusiastic about GREEN-WIN because it tackles these issues straight-on with a strong team possessing a wide range of experience from local to international levels.

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Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Republic of Korea

The  Global  Green  Growth  Institute  (GGGI)  is  an  international  organization  dedicated  to  supporting and  promoting  strong,  inclusive  and  sustainable  economic  growth  in developing  countries  and emerging economies. Established in 2012, at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, GGGI is accelerating the transition toward a new model of economic growth – green growth – founded on principles of social inclusivity and environmental sustainability. GGGI  works  with  developing  and  emerging  countries  to  design  and  deliver  programs  and  services that demonstrate new pathways to pro-poor economic growth. GGGI supports stakeholders through two  complementary  and  integrated  workstreams –  Green  Growth  Planning  &  Implementation  and Knowledge  Solutions –  that  deliver  comprehensive  products  and  services  designed  to  assist  in developing, financing and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans. GGGI,  together  with  the  Organisation  for  Economic  Co-operation  and  Development  (OECD),  the United  Nations  Environment  Programme  (UNEP)  and  the  World  Bank  founded  the  Green  Growth Knowledge  Platform  (GGKP)  in  2012.  The  GGKP  is  a  global  partnership,  drawing  together  over  40 international  organisations  to  identify  and  address  major  knowledge  gaps  in  green  growth  theory and practice.  

  • Amanda McKee

    Senior Knowledge Management Officer, Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP)

    In order to support the transition to an inclusive green economy, policymakers will require knowledge and data to empower real, lasting on-the-ground change. Through the GREEN-WIN project, GGGI and the Green Growth Knowledge Platform are working to implement an open-knowledge system to accelerate learning and build the necessary capacity.

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Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Germany

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal State of Brandenburg, the IASS aims to identify and promote development pathways for a global transformation towards a sustainable society. The IASS employs a transdisciplinary approach that encourages dialogue to understand sustainability issues and generate potential solutions in cooperation with partners from the sciences, politics, the economy, and civil society. A strong network of national and international partners supports the work of the institute. Its central research topics include the energy transition, emerging technologies, climate change, air quality, systemic risks, governance and participation, and cultures of transformation.

  • Dr. Armin Haas

    Co-leader, Economics & Culture Program, Institute for Advances Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (IASS)

    An often-raised issue is how to mobilize private capital for sustainable investments. Generically, this depends on the availability, and viability, of sustainable business models. Only if they exist, or can be developed, in sufficient size and numbers, private capital will make a difference. This will be one key focus of GREEN-WIN.

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Institute of Environmental Sciences at Boğaziçi University, Turkey

Institute of Environmental Sciences is a research and graduate institute in Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. Bogazici University is one of the leading higher education and research institutions in Turkey. It involves more than 10000 students and 800 academic staff, of which about 420 are full time faculty members with doctorate degrees. The university has achieved considerable success in the European Commission’s FP6 and FP7 programs. The Institute of Environmental Sciences is an interdisciplinary establishment founded in 1982 and offers graduate studies in M.S. and Ph.D. levels in the fields of Environmental Sciences and Technology. The goal of the institute is to prepare professional environmental scientists, engineers and researchers, who can deal with the complexities of environmental problems, propose scientifically and economically meaningful solutions, develop recommendations for sound policies, and devise means for policy implementation.  The Institute emphasizes the importance of appropriate environmental technologies, intending to act as a leader institution for developing countries.

  • Dr. Ali K. Saysel

    Professor, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğaziçi University

    I coordinate the İstanbul case study on urban transformation. We focus on the enabling environment and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action in the buildings construction sector. We map, investigate and analyze the sector on multiple dimensions, including the materials supply, building design, management and licensing businesses. Governmental vision, cultural, institutional and organizational structures are of specific concern, as well as the economical factors.

  • Mahir Yazar

    Postgraduate Research Fellow, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğaziçi University

    My contribution to the GREEN-WIN project is to build up a multi-scale qualitative knowledge base on construction sector, and the vulnerability of Istanbul city to climate change. With the project coordinator in Turkey, we will generate knowledge on how green-building sectors are functional in climate mitigation and adaptation efforts in Istanbul city.

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Jäger Jill, Austria

JAGER JILL is independent scholar, registered in the EU Participant Portal as an SME. Her research themes range from energy and climate, biodiversity, global responsibility, public and stakeholder participation, integrating policies to linkages between knowledge and action for sustainable development.  Dr.Jäger has a successful portfolio in developing the Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA) approach through multiple projects such as VISION RD4SD and MATISSE project. Recently, she contributed to the prototype Global Sustainable Development Report released at the meeting High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the United Nations headquarters. Other main activities include participation as work package leader in the FP7-project IMPRESSIONS on impacts of and responses to high-end scenarios, chairing the Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Panel on Climate Change and consultancy work on the design and implementation of participatory processes for transformative research.

  • Dr. Jill Jäger

    Independent Scholar

    After more than 40 years as a researcher, first on climatic change, then on sustainable development, I can become very frustrated about how little progress we are making in responding to the global sustainability challenges. The GREEN-WIN project offers the opportunity to focus on possible solutions and to look at them from a systemic perspective and in a transdisciplinary approach.

  • Dr. Ines Omann

    Independent Scholar

    We are currently experiencing a phase of change. Given the global challenges we face, this change can be one by disaster or one by design. I prefer the latter. With GREEN-WIN, we the researchers, try to support a designed change by developing possible solutions addressing climate change and contributing to a good life for all now and in future.

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The Ground_Up Association, Switzerland

The Ground Up Association is a Swiss-based non-profit that pursues a triple objective: i) advance and promote research in the field of social and environmental entrepreneurship; ii) contribute to public good projects that have a measurable environmental and/or social impact; iii) advance the study and understanding of the green and social local economy.  To reach this goal, The Ground Up Association closely collaborates with The Ground Up Project SA, a Swiss based enterprise leading data aggregator for small-scale projects under $10M with an environmental impact. As a leading platform, Group_Up achieves scale through their proprietary Value Compass, which analyzes investment potentials of small environmental impact projects. Ground_Up uses strategic partnerships, user-generated content, and big data to provide easy access to standardized, relevant, trustworthy information about projects to private and public finance organizations, technology providers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, donor governments and other stakeholders.

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The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain

The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (IEST) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) is one of the largest interdisciplinary environmental and sustainability oriented research institutes in Spain. It covers wide range of fields, including ecological economics, environmental sociology, earth system sciences, land use planning, life sciences, integrated assessment, environmental design, business environmental management, legal studies, education and communication studies and environmental information technologies. IEST brings researchers interested in integrating multiple sources of knowledge to deal with complex environmental and sustainability problems and participates in many international research networks. IEST doctoral programme on environmental sciences has been independently awarded for its high quality standards and attracts now over 80 PhD students from all over world.  

  • Dr. J. David Tàbara

    Professor, The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

    There is an urgent need to integrate different kinds of knowledge to support a green economy able to replace the grey one and do so in an inclusive and equitable way. Toward this aim, the GREEN-WIN project provides a unique opportunity to learn from the implementation of practical sustainable climate solutions and to engage in an open transformative mode with a wide variety of relevant stakeholders both working on the ground but also at the international level.

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The Paris School of Economics (EEP-PSE), France

The Paris School of Economics (EEP-PSE) was born in December 2006 through the union of the economic departments of six leading Parisian research institutions: The CNRS, the EHESS, the Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, the ENS, the INRA, and the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. At the forefront in many different Economic domains, the School proposes selective teaching programmes from M1 to PhD. PSE also develops strong links between different economic knowledge “users”: academics, institutions and private stakeholders.

  • Dr. Antoine Mandel

    Professor, Paris School of Economics

    After the COP21, we need to make the 1.5 degrees target a reality. Therefore, the global socio-economic landscape has to transform itself via the massive diffusion of green technologies.
    In GREEN-WIN, we will try to understand and highlight how this process can be sped up.

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Udayana University, Indonesia

Udayana University (UNUD) is the largest and most prestigious universities in Eastern Indonesia, which was established on 29 September 1962. UNUD aims to increase the potential of students, improving the quality of education and research in Indonesia with optimizing the use of facilities, infrastructure, and enhance the development and management of the institution. UNUD has been working with various external parties, both government, state-owned enterprises, private companies, and NGOs domestically and internationally on the basis of mutual interest and benefit. UNUD has the principle of equality, mutual giving of resources (sharing resources) and mutual benefit. In the GreenWin project, Environmental Studies of Udayana supports climate change issues related with agriculture and energy. Since Center of Research and Technology for Clean Energy was established in Bali from February 2016, UNUD collaborates with Indonesian government improving the capacity of the institution. 

  • Dr. Takeshi Takama

    Professor, Udayana University

    Indonesia is facing energy, environment, and development conflicts. I hope GREEN-WIN will find a pathway to solve these issue. I am the leader of Indonesia case. I also work as an international expert on climate change and energy for international and bilateral agencies and CEO of PT Sustainability & Resilience.

  • Ibnu Budiman

    Junior Researcher, Udayana University

    With political rows about climate policy and justice, regular interventions from activist scientists and skeptics, and the various analyses by economists and environmentalists, climate change encompasses far more issues than carbon dioxide science and policy. I believe Udayana University through the GREEN-WIN will build the scientific evidence needed for policy makers and society to respond to the problems associated with global and regional environmental changes happening to the sustainable development.

  • Auditya Sari

    Research Assistant, Udayana University

    The GREEN-WIN is a project that would not only provide a high level of challenge and learning opportunities but also help improve the state of our environment. In this project we will show that balanced life is better, which economy can bring synergies without sacrificing the environmental sustainability and can be used to empower local communities. This will prove that green economy do exist.

  • Laksmi Pratiwi

    Senior Project Management Officer, Udayana University

    I like to work for Indonesian case which focus on energy poverty alleviation, food security and ecosystem services through bioenergy production in Bali. We will study the role of SMEs and community engagement in energy, climate-resilience, poverty alleviation and food security derived from agribusiness production combined with bioenergy. We are happy to find systemic win-win solutions which link the production of bioenergy and food services with climate adaptation and mitigation.

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University College London, UK

The sister institutes, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR) and UCL Energy Institute (UCL-Energy), are located in The Bartlett, the internationally renowned Faculty of the Built Environment at UCL. UCL ISR and UCL-Energy have a broad range of expertise in policy, resource efficiency, energy system and sustainability analysis, which have been widely used to support policy making. With research projects to a value of more than £15 million, including five current FP7 projects (POLFREE, EMInInn, CECILIA2050, ADVANCE and Carbon-CAP) the twin institutes have fast become one of the centres of excellence in energy and sustainability research in the UK. Researchers from the Institutes feed into government policy at all levels, through Ministerial Advisory Panels and Expert Task Forces at UK level, projects, conferences, seminars and workshops for different DGs of the European Commission, and membership of UNEP’s International Resource Panel globally. 

  • Dr. Nadia Ameli

    Senior Research Associate, University College London (UCL)

    Worldwide money is flowing to low-carbon solutions, and a growing number of leaders in government and business are taking action. The challenge is that the volume of finance isn’t enough – yet. UCL is leading the finance research area of the GREEN-WIN project to explore sustainability finance policies and governance arrangements to overcome financial barriers to mitigation and adaptation.

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University of Cape Town, South Africa

The University of Cape Town (UCT) is Africa’s leading research university, consistently in the top 200 in international university rankings. The African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) established in 2011 to support interdisciplinary research and teaching on low carbon and climate resilient development, coordinates climate research at the University. With a strong African and Global South perspective, the ACDI leverages the intellectual capital of 20+ academic departments and research centres at UCT to create the largest concentration of expertise in climate and development through collaborative research and training. Expertise is concentrated in four key areas: (i) mitigation; (ii) vulnerability, impacts and adaptation; (iii) climate science; and (iv) sustainable development.

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