Bioenergy-coffee nexus and climate-smart agriculture
Following up from its International Workshop, the GREEN-WIN Work Package 7 Indonesia case study has continued to implement the project into a community-based project namely The project is introducing bioenergy to farmers and into the coffee value chain. is being done in partnership with
Recently, promoted as example of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in the 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum, which took place from 17-19 October 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Through a booth at the conference, shared information around the project. The booth, which also served coffee from local farmers in Bali, was well attended by the forum participants. has been working with Bali farmers to enhance their adaptive capacity to practice climate smart agriculture. At the booth,’s team provided a matrix for participants to provide their feedback on the coffee-bioenergy project. The matrix showed that demand and interest exists to utilise bioenergy along the coffee value chain.
Moreover, at the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum, a session entitled "Effective multi actor collaboration in advancing climate smart agriculture” was organized by the team. The session was hosted in partnership with the ASEAN Climate Regional Network and invited speakers including: Charlers Rodgers (ADB), Lisa Schipper (ODI, SEI), Jarot Indarto (Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia), Ranjith Punyawardena (Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka), Margareth Yoovatana (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand) and Thanda Kyi (Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar). The moderator was Takeshi Takama (Green-Win).
CSA has been practised by farmers in the ASEAN region for many years under the name of good agriculture practices, organic farming and sustainable farming. However, there still exists room to improve CSA through effective multi-stakeholder collaboration. Takeshi Takama, stated in the session that CSA should involve more than agriculture and climate change - post-harvesting processes, such as using bioenergy for coffee roasting, are also important to take into account to support poverty alleviation among farmers. This strategy can be a win-win solution for agriculture development as part of green growth.