Summary Report from First Global Dialogue Workshop

21 October 2016

The Summary Report from the first GREEN-WIN Global Dialogue workshop, held at the magdas Hotel in Vienna from 19-20 April 2016, is now available for download, here. The Dialogue was attended by 25 stakeholders and 14 members of the project team; and it was supported by 5 members of the Jill Jäger team.

Following an Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA) methodology, this Global Dialogue has been envisioned as a three-stage process: (1) Development of a common Vision for a Green Economy about ‘where we want to go’ based on practical experiences of the participants; (2) Development of a set of Pathways to achieve that vision and reframe the existing practices; (3) Learning and evaluating the lessons learned to develop set of highlevel recommendations for action and engage in a series of outreach activities. Hence, the overall goal is to co-produce a transformative and engaging narrative, supported by ample grounded evidence, able to trigger the required changes for green development pathways. 

The first dialogue workshop focussed on the first stage of this ISA process. The specific objectives were to:

  • co-develop a vision of a green economy that integrates climate action, business opportunities, economic goals and sustainable development; and
  • identify concrete strategies and practical examples of win-win solutions that would support this integration.

During the introductory session of the meeting, participants were asked to introduce themselves and highlight their areas of expertise. This was followed by a short scoping session identifying the challenges of linking climate goals and economic goals. The afternoon of the first day, the session was devoted to developing a vision of “the world we want in 2050”, guided by the question “What kind of economy for what kind of world?”.

On day 2 the workshop focussed on “win-win solutions”. Working in groups, the participants identified a wide range of win-win solutions and presented some of them to the plenary. Then each group selected one solution and examined whether it would also help to achieve or whether it could be in conflict with sustainable development goals (SDGs).

As a follow up to this workshop, the GREEN-WIN Second Global Dialogue workshop will to be held in Vienna, Austria from 7-8 February 2017, more information can be found here.
